11 worst couples in literature: Charlotte Lucas & Mr Collins from Pride and Prejudice

No. 11. Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice


Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins: Charlotte Lucas seems a pleasant young woman. She has a sense of humour and is a close friend of the delightful Elizabeth Bennet. What a shame then that she marries that fawning, conceited, potato and chimney connoisseur, Mr Collins.

“Mr. Collins to be sure was neither sensible nor agreeable; his society was irksome ..”

It’s true his financial prospects are good as he’s the heir to the entailed Bennet estate, but Charlotte seems hardly able to bare her husband’s company. On the plus side she ingeniously encourages him to keep to the garden and to the far end of the house so that she can enjoy the peace and privacy of her feminine boudoir. But is this a healthy beginning to a young marriage? I also wonder how many of her friends will be prepared to visit her at Longbourn when they know they’ll have to put up with his relentless buffoonery.

                                                                                                                     The Long Victorian

Mr Collins appreciates a good potato (Youtube, 0:21 seconds)

Mr Collins in action (Youtube, 1 min 46)



Worst couples in literature – The complete list

No. 11.  Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

No. 10.  Rosamund Vincy and Dr Lydgate from Middlemarch (George Eliot)

No. 9.  Lydia and George Wickham from Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

No. 8.  Dorothea and Edward Casaubon from Middlemarch (George Eliot)

No. 7.  Arabella Donn and Jude Fawley from Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy)

No. 6.  Anna Karenina and Alexei Vronsky from Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)

No. 5.  Bertha and Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)

No. 4.  Madeline Bray and Arthur Gride from Nicholas Nickleby (Charles Dickens)

No.3.  Laura Fairlie and Sir Percival Glyde from The Woman in White (Wilkie Collins)

No.2.  Angel & Tess and Alec & Tess from Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy)

No.1  Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)





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