
Frequently asked questions: 

Why are you doing this book blog? This is my “secret pleasure”. I believe I would write if I had zero readers – happy it’s busy though, thank you for visiting.

I was in the book trade, publishing, then a Chartered Librarian (university sector). I’m a lifelong reader. So not likely to lose the book habit any time soon.

What social media are you on?

For this book blog I just have a Twitter (X) account – and I probably won’t post on it very often.

I post more regularly on art (1789-1914) using different social media – so if you are interested in late Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian art go to:

Twitter (X)

How can I contact you? Via social media. Or email. My email address is the name of the blog (three words) and then “at” gmail dot com. I’ll try to come up with something better (e.g. a contact form).

Give us an indication of your favourite reads?  Middlemarch by George Eliot had my head reeling from the author’s powers. Eliot even questioned her own use of that power during the book. I love the world she created. My favourite ‘thumping good read’ is The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I read the last page, made a mug of tea, and started it again. I didn’t want the spell it had cast over me to end. The Count of Monte Cristo [Review] comes a close second in that category, 1250+ pages and I wanted more. One of the most important books I’ve read is The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn [Review]. There are many “home truths” about each of us and the human condition to be found in that book. If you haven’t got the time to take it on, perhaps read his short novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

Do you accept books from publishers for review?  In theory, yes. I read almost everything I’m sent – but don’t review much of it. Lack of time. Or perhaps I prioritise reading over writing. Possibly I should introduce a “Books received” section, with a short review on each?

Do you place adverts on this blog? I have never put ads on the site. However, I don’t pay WordPress.com much, so they are entitled to insert ads whenever they like (and take any money they make from it). The only way for me to keep this site completely ad-free would be for me to pay for a premium version of WordPress – and I have no plans to do that – it would mean less money to spend on books or gallery trips!

Can I reblog your posts?  Yes, I have an open policy on reblogging. I only ask that you link back to The Long Victorian and give proper credit.

[Last updated: 18 September 2023]

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